I'm a mixture of personal qualities and traits, as
I’m sure we all are. The first few traits I tend to think when someone asks me
about myself are:
1) I love good jokes, comedy, humor, and laughing.
2) I am a huge fan of art in all of its forms
(visual, auditory, performing, musical, etc.)
3) I am extremely loyal and selfless towards good
friends who have always been there for me, through thick and thin.
Some of you may wonder why I mention my close
friends before I mention my parents and family, and the reasons are quite
straightforward: all of my family members who aren't my parents live a good
distance away. Most of the time, I'll talk to and tell my friends more than
I'll tell my parents. The son my parents know and the person my friends know
are two distinct and considerably different people in certain ways. The
"me" that my parents know is a quiet, mild mannered, almost timid kid
who is pure in heart and personality. The "me" my close friends know?
He's a very different story. That "me" is crazy and rambunctious at
times, the life of our party at dances, having and has no shame in cracking
some of the more provocative jokes and speaking his mind. Some of my best
friends probably know the real me more than my parents do.
This line between friends-me and parents-me has
really never been crossed. I started testing the waters by sticking my toe into
it when it comes to my dad, and it's gone relatively well. My mother? I've only
ever crossed that line once, maybe twice in my life. The one time was during a
short time frame after the accident, while I was still bedridden in the
hospital. Apparently, I couldn't really move my left side. As in, it was semi
paralyzed on that side; it even says so on my hospital report listing my
injuries. My mouth was okay though, and some of the things that came out of it
weren't exactly, how do I put it? Mild mannered or gentlemanlike? Apparently I
swore like a sailor and was extremely aggressive (both physically and verbally)
towards nurses if I felt any kind of pain or discomfort when they tried to move
me. I had no filter whatsoever. Which made for quite the reveal and
surprise for my parents.
Should I be closer to my friends than my parents?
Probably not. But hey, I'm not going to tell a lie to seem more
"normal" and "proper". I'm not afraid of speaking my mind,
remember? But there's no denying it; if friends treat me well, I'll get very
close to them. I'll have no hesitation saying I love them. Albeit platonically
in most cases, but I still love them. And I'm pretty confident the feeling is
reciprocated in most if not all cases. I've been told that when I was in a
coma, several of my closest friends came to visit me. Apparently, one of them
(I won't give names in case they don't want anyone else to know besides my
parents) visited me by herself and cried, even laying in my hospital bed and
holding my hand even though I was out cold. After I awoke, even more friends
came to visit me. So yah, I love my friends. They're amazing people in their
own ways, and even though we can't really see each other anymore since some of
them have gone off to out-of-state prestigious colleges, I still wish them all
the absolute best in their future.
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